Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Blog - A website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts. Most blogs are written in a slightly informal tone (personal journals, news, businesses, etc.) Entries typically appear in reverse chronological order. (Wiktionary)

Blogger vs Wordpress

Blogger and Wordpress are companies that host blogs. This blog is hosted on Blogger. The NVTekLib blog is hosted on Wordpress.com while Mrs. Meyer, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Hermreck have blogs hosted by the district on nvraiders.org.

Blogging is easy. If you have something to say and can word process, you can blog. With your usd115.org Google account, you can create your own blog at blogger.com. If you would prefer a hosted Wordpress blog, contact Marcia to get an account. Or, you can create your own accounts on Google or Wordpress. Once you've logged in, simply create a title, web address and pick a theme. Now you are ready for the hard part -- coming up with something to say.

Web Site - A collection of HTML and subordinate documents (pages) on the World Wide Web that are typically accessible from the same URL and residing on the same server, and form a coherent, usually interlinked whole. (Wiktionary)

A Google site is similar to a blog. Like most web sites, a Google site will change periodically where a blog usually allows readers to access older posts. Blogs make it easier to allow for interaction than a web site.

Google sites come with your usd115.org Google account. From your email, simply click on SITES at the top of the screen. select a name for the URL and you are ready to begin.

A Google Site or a blog can be used to communicate with both students and parents by posting handouts, assignments, due dates and links to resources.


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